School Holiday Assessments
How often have you heard your child complaining of a sore back, aching knees or painful shoulders or feet? Whilst most aches and pains may not be serious, it’s easy to forget that […]
How often have you heard your child complaining of a sore back, aching knees or painful shoulders or feet? Whilst most aches and pains may not be serious, it’s easy to forget that […]
Cannington Physiotherapy would like to help our athletes keep playing for longer. The Success of Netball Australia’s KNEE program has brought to light the importance of improving how much stress we […]
Here at Cannington Physiotherapy we are passionate about our Netball! Cannington Physiotherapy has been sponsoring the Demons’ State League Netball Club for 17 years and many of our staff play […]
Summer is taking its time but the colder weather appears to be finally on the horizon. Winter brings many changes, one of the most common changes we see at Cannington […]
Due to popular demand Cannington Physiotherapy will now be offering 4pm and 5pm Pilates Sessions on Fridays. We know how difficult it can be to get into Pilates after work so Lydia […]
Did you know? It is believed that up to 20% of headaches originate from the neck. They are called Cervicogenic headaches. At Cannington Physiotherapy we get a lot of patients […]
Women’s health issues can be a sensitive topic and often these symptoms are associated with poor pelvic floor and core muscle strength. A specific assessment and […]
Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life and the staff here at Cannington Physiotherapy are all willing and able to keep you as fit, […]
Spring is finally here and it’s around this time of the year that people start heading to the gym trying to find there new summer body. Whilst exercise is good, […]
Cannington Physiotherapy has joined forces with HealthEngine to provide all our valued patients a new way to book there appointments. You can now book appointments using the button on the […]